Little Guy Press can design, print and deliver all of your business forms. We provide Continuous Forms as well as Cut Sheet Forms with a multitude of feature combinations. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please talk with one of our sales associates today as we offer much more than we can possibly display.
We can duplicate any of your existing forms to perfection. All that we require is either a physical sample, a scan, or a PDF file of your original form.
Little Guy Press can also provide Checks, Deposit Slips and Envelopes for 3 per page, laser, manual, or one write systems.
- Standard Forms (All Sizes in Single Sheets)
- Continuous Track-Fed Forms (Also known as Pin-Fed)
- Multi-Part Sets (2-5 Parts, using carbonless NCR paper)
- Edge-Glued
- Snap Apart (With Stub)
- Perforations
- Hole Punching
- Consecutive Numbering
- Variable Printing